Gooofy Golfers empowers Kiwanis Charity Golf Tournament

On September 10 Kiwanis Brasschaat Voorkempen organises its Charity Golf Tournament at Ternesse Golf & Country Club in Wommelgem, Belgium.

More info on Kiwanis Charity Golf Tournament:
Gooofy Golfers is very happy to become the ‘empowering partner’ for this Charity Golf Event. Supporting the needs of people is one part of the Gooofy Golfers mission.
At the same time we have another playing utility for our Gooofy Golfers Eagle Club members. If you are a playing Gooofy Golfer you can apply to play along and support this event.
Follow this link for registration:
Even if you are a golfer but not Gooofy yet, you can also register via Kiwanis to play the game and support this charity.